The Maldives

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Formed from ancient volcanoes and named innumerous names, from Na-lo-ki-lo-chou “Coconut Islands” to Dvipa Laksham “A Hundred Thousand Islands” to finally Maldives “Garland of Islands”, this tiny island nation is no stranger to the discerning traveler surrendering to her beauty and exotic wonders.

A history molded by merchants, seafarers, scholars and pirates hailing from far and near, spawning fanciful folklore stories and nurturing a rich blend of multicultural ethnicities. From Islamic architecture to African music to intricate Oriental jewelry, these distinct characteristics have never ceased to amaze.

Only a sixth of her islands are inhabited, mostly by peaceful fishing villages, lacquer work and mat weaving communities, and ruins of temples hidden deep within tropical foliage from a time when Maldives followed Buddhism.

Is that all there is? No, of course not.

The journey continues beneath the ocean that surrounds the islets from every side; the promise of endless opportunities to discover the mysterious depths of abundant beauty and the sheer pleasure of diving along the assorted colors of brilliantly sculptured corals and reefs.

Well, we think we’ve told you plenty... It’s your turn to take the leap now.